Only one month left of 2014. What can you do now to make tax time less “taxing”?
Get organized – spending time attempting to locate a critical piece of paper or file at the last minute can wreck havoc getting when tax time nears.
Meet with your team – whether it’s your accountant, attorney, spouse or other family members. Teams are important for everyone not just the super wealthy.
Review the items below with your team member’s to formulate a tax strategy.
Go over last year’s taxes – did you owe? get a larger than expected refund? Know your “tax” past.
Any changes in 2014, new job, baby, house, retirement? What changed that could make a difference in your tax liability
Read over your 3rd quarter investment and bank statements. Increased dividends and capital gains? Stocks declining in value? All useful information when formulating your tax plan.
Next up – some tax strategies before it’s too late!